Board of Directors
Who are the BODs?
The 9 Board of Directors (BODs) are student leaders elected by SABVC members. The BODs are elected annually in the winter semester. Their term with SABVC starts in May and ends in April the following year.
Our BODs have the ultimate decision-making authority over most aspects of the Association.
This means that our BODs:
Represents BVC students’ interests to the College, internal and external stakeholders, all levels of government, and the community
Manage SABVC's governance and business
Are responsible for the actions of SABVC
Make informed decisions that are in the best interests of the Association
Eddie Boy Argonza
Board of Director | 2024 - 2025 Term
As the President, who also serves as the board chair, provides a monthly report detailing recent activities and developments. Explore each month's President's report below for comprehensive updates.
Vitoria Bastos Bernardi
Board of Director | 2024 - 2025 Term
The Vice President is also dispatching monthly reports. Be sure to catch up on each month's updates to stay informed with the Vice President's insights.